jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

The napping house

There is a  house
a napping  house, 
where everyone  is sleeping.
And in that house,
there is a bed
a cozy bed 
in a napping house,
where everyone is sleeping. 
And in that bed             
there is a granny,      
a snoring granny             
on a cozy bed            
in a napping  house,             
where everyone is sleeping.
And on that granny           
there is a child           
a dreaming child               
on a snoring granny           
on a cozy bed           
in a napping house           
where everyone is sleeping. 
An on that child 
there is a dog 
on a dreaming child
on a snoring granny 
on a cozy bed 
in a napping home  
where everyone is  sleeping. 
And  on that dog 
there is a  cat
a snoozing  cat, 
on a  dozing  dog 
on a  dreaming  child 
on a  snoring  granny 
on a  cozy bed in a  napping  house, 
where everyone  is sleeping. 
And on that cat 
there is a mouse                              
on a snoozing cat                              
on a dozing dog                              
on a dreaming child                             
on a snoring granny                             
on a cozy bed                             
in a napping house, 
where everyone is sleeping. 
And on that mouse    
there is a flea     
Can it be? 
A wakeful flea 
on a slumbering mouse 
on a snoozing cat 
on a dozing dog 
on a dreaming child  
on a snoring granny 
on a cozy bed 
in a napping house,        
where everyone is sleeping. 
A wakeful flea who bites the mouse,         
who scares the cat, 
who claws the dog, 
who thumps the child, 
who bumps the granny, 
who breaks the bed, 
in the napping house,
where no one  now is sleeping.

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