'¡Vaya rollo! ¡Cuánta fórmula!'- me decís.
Y yo os digo: ¡Qué interesante!
Sí, hay que recordar algunas fórmulas, porque son útiles y porque nos facilitan el cálculo, pero la parte emocionante de todo esto es su aplicación en infinitos casos de la vida real.
Si quieres fabricar un marco para un diploma, debes poder saber calcular su perímetro.
Para comprar moqueta, tienes que saber calcular cuánta superficie de suelo quieres cubrir.
Y para entender la factura del suministro del agua debes ser capaz de entender el volumen de agua que consumes.
Las matemáticas pueden ser muy útiles y divertidas
Si este verano quieres practicar inglés, ciencias divertidas, manualidades y juegos
¡Solicita tu plaza!
El Summer Camp está orientado para niñas y niños de entre 4 y 6 años con ganas de aprender, experimentar, hacer amigos, excursiones, actividades en la naturaleza y pasárselo bien. El horario es de 9am a 2pm durante los meses de Julio y Agosto. Las plazas son limitadas.
Dice el diccionario que "wanderlust" se traduce como pasión por viajar. Desde luego, el viaje en sí no tiene por qué ser enriquecedor, si no hay un interés más allá.
No siempre hacerse la foto en el lugar x significa haber estado y sentido la razón de ser de un lugar. Mucha gente ha estado en muchos sitios mientras que mucha otra gente ha ido a muchos sitios.A algunas personas, en cambio, no les ha hecho falta viajar. Cuando descubres y aprendes de los sitios que visitas y la gente que te rodea; cuando disfrutas o al menos intentas entender su cultura y te empapas de lo que te rodea, tu mente cambia y se abre. ¿no crees?
Una buena forma de aprender sobre otras culturas, idiomas y formas de vivir es hacer un intercambio. Yo me considero afortunada por haber podido hacer algunos.
University of Aberdeen UK
Colorado State University US
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies - Australia
Murdoch University - Australia
En estas fechas suelen hacerse las pre-selecciones y listados para solicitar intercambios (y cambiar vidas). Así que hoy, me gustaría pedirte que compartas tu experiencia y preguntarte: - ¿Has hecho algún intercambio? - ¿A dónde fuiste? - ¿Crees que el balance fue positivo? -¿Lo recomendarías?
·Las palabras pueden dividirse en unidades más pequeñas, como las letras(h-a-m-a-c-a), los fonemas o
sonidos/a-m-á-k-a/ y las sílabas(ha-ma-ca). Sin embargo, ni las letras ni los fonemas ni las
sílabas tienen significado.
Las unidades más pequeñas con
significado se llaman morfemas:
Perritos:perr- (morfema
léxico o raíz)
-it- (morfema gramatical derivativo)
-o- (morfema gramatical flexivo)
-s (morfema gramatical flexivo)
·Los morfemas se dividen en:
oMorfemas léxicos o raíces: encierran el significado
principal (perr-it-o-s)
oMorfemas gramaticales:
§Morfemas flexivos (aportan significados como el
género, el número, etc.):
Today I want to talk about the Direct Language Lab:
They have got unique solutions for teaching and learning languages worldwide, using the direct method. They publish language teaching and learning materials for schools, companies and individual students all over the world, and currently cooperate with 1000 language schools in over 30 countries, providing language schools with coursebooks for learning foreign languages by means of the direct method.
Also, using these materials you'll gain free access to mobile applications and online programmes that facilitate the process of foreign language learning. This e-learning program contains exercises corresponding to the units in English designed with Direct Method coursebooks. Students can consolidate the already learnt material, catch up if they fall behind or revise the material before a stage exam in a very attractive and modern way. You can see an example here.
El estudio de la Teoría de la Divisibilidad se originó debido a la
necesidad de tener que repartir cantidades de cosas entre personas, dándole a cada una el
mismo número de unidades, cuestiones que a veces no tenían solución debido a la no
divisibilidad del número tratado.
En clase trabajamos el concepto de múltiplo y divisor mediante materiales manipulativos,
...pero ahora es momento de repasar aplicando lo aprendido haciendo ejercicios:
Remember that everyone gets nervous in exams, especially oral exams. So, don’t worry, these tips will help you feel more confident in a speaking exam.
Listening to as much English as possible will help to improve your speaking. Listening to songs, podcasts, films, TV series or video clips will help you to feel more confident about speaking.
Speak as much English in class as possible. If you speak English regularly in class, you will find it easier to speak in an exam.
Slow down! It’s not a race. Before you speak, think carefully about what to say and speak a little slower than normal.
Use language you know is correct. Use words and expressions you have used before.
If you don’t know a word, think of another way to say it. For example, if you know the word ‘expensive’, but can’t remember the word ‘cheap’, you could say: It’s not expensive. It’s a good price. It’s not a lot of money.
Listen to yourself while you speak and if you hear a mistake, correct it. Native speakers make mistakes and correct them all the time.
Look at the examiner’s or other student’s face and eyes when you speak. Do they understand you? If not, say it again with different words.
If you don’t understand the question or the activity, ask the examiner. Say: ‘Could you repeat that, please?’
Always say something. Don’t just say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Explain your answer with a reason. Say ‘Yes, I agree because....’
Speak clearly so that the examiner can hear you. If you find this difficult, practise with a friend at home. Stand at opposite ends of a room and speak to each other in English. Or speak to each other in English on your computers.
Making suggestions
Why don’t we ... (+ verb without ‘to’) ? Shall we ... (+ verb without ‘to’) ? Would you like to ... (+ verb) ? Let’s ... (+ verb without ‘to’) What about ... (+ -ing) ? How about ... (+ -ing) ?
Responding to suggestions
Yes, OK. That’s a good idea. That sounds great! No, I don’t think so. I’m not sure about that. I’d prefer to ... (+ verb).
It is very important to show that you are interested in what your partner is saying. Use these expressions to show you are interested. Remember! When we are very interested or surprised our voice is higher and louder.
Normal response
Uh-huh. That’s interesting. Oh, I see. Right.
Stronger response
Really? Wow! That’s amazing! That’s incredible! No way! You’re joking!
Do you understand?
When you are speaking to someone it is important that you understand each other. If you don’t understand something, ask your partner to explain what they mean. If they don’t understand you, explain what you mean. Use these expressions to help you.
When you don’t understand
I don’t understand. Could you repeat that? Could you say that again? What do you mean, exactly? I’m not sure what you mean. Can you explain that?
Explain what you mean
What I mean is ... In other words ...
Giving your opinion
I think... / I don’t think ... I believe... / I don’t believe ... In my opinion, For me, Personally, I think ...
Asking for someone’s opinion
Do you agree? What do you think? What do you think about ... (this)? Do you think that’s right? What’s your view? Are you OK with that?
That’s right! Absolutely! Exactly! Me too! Yes, I agree! I totally agree! I couldn’t agree more! I see exactly what you mean! You're right. That's a good point.
I don’t agree! I totally disagree! Absolutely not! That’s not right! I’m not sure about that.
Partly agreeing
I agree up to a point, but ... I see your point, but ... That’s partly true, but ... I'm not so sure about that.
It is always a good idea to justify your opinions. Don’t just say ‘I agree’, but say ‘I agree because I think that ... (explain your reason).’
what can you do to improve your level of accuracy when you speak English?
Even native speakers make mistakes when they speak in their own language, but they are always listening to themselves and correct themselves. Here are some tips to help you speak correctly.
Don’t worry about making mistakes, it’s normal, but ...
Listen to your English when you speak and if you notice a mistake, correct it. If you don’t notice any mistakes, don’t worry.
Make a ‘my typical mistakes’ page in your notebook. Write down mistakes you often make and when you speak, listen out for those mistakes. If you always say ‘I must to go’, then write it down next to the correct version ‘I must go’ and listen out for this mistake when you speak.
Use grammar you know. If you use new grammar you don’t know for the first time in an exam, you will make more mistakes and find it more difficult to correct yourself.
Use words you know. Revise the vocabulary you learn in class and try to use new words again to help you remember them. If you don’t know an exact word, use a different word that you know.
Record yourself speaking and listen to yourself. Correct your mistakes and remember the good language to use again.
Take your time and think when you speak! If you speak too fast and don’t think about your language, you will make mistakes. However, don’t speak too slowly – you don’t want to sound like a robot.
Hemos estado estudiando las propiedades de la multiplicación, utilizando regletas para recordarlas mediante la memoria visual y el aprendizaje práctico.
Si necesitas ayuda, no lo dudes: Llama y reserva tu hora.
Una potencia es el resultado de multiplicar un número por sí mismo varias veces. El número que multiplicamos se llama base, el número de veces que multiplicamos la base se llama exponente.
En la potencia 23, la base es 2 y el exponente es 3.
En lapotencia32, labasees3y elexponentees 2.
Para operar con potencias, debemos tener en cuenta las siguientes reglas:
Clases particulares individualizadas de Refuerzo y Preparación de exámenes oficiales de Inglés, Ciencias, Informática, Estadística, en A Guarda con un plan específico para sus necesidades y objetivos, con horarios flexibles y clases individuales.
Recordad que las horas se reservan y pagan con antelación y para solicitar cambios hay que avisar al menos un día antes (bajo disponibilidad). Lucía es Profesora cualificada y con experiencia docente, con nivel C2 en Inglés. Profesora de clases particulares: autónoma, IAE y licencia municipal en vigor.