lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017

Doubling consonants

Some verbs double the final consonant and some do not. 
Are you feeling confused about it? 
Then, keep reading:

Words ending with a Consonant-Vowel-Consonant Pattern

One-syllable words:
ED = If the word ends in a CVC pattern, it gets a double consonant + ED. 
ING = If the word ends in a CVC pattern, it gets a double consonant + ING. 
ED = RUB > rubbed, STOP > stopped
ING = HOP > hopping, SIT > sitting


Words ending in w,x,y do not follow this rule, simply add ED, or ING
Examples: snow > snowed, box > boxing, play > playing

Two-syllable words:
ED = If the stress is on the first syllable, the word only gets one consonant + ED.
ING = If the stress is on the first syllable, the word only gets one consonant + ING.

visit > visited, open > opened
happen > happening, enter > entering

ED = If the stress is on the second syllable, the word gets a double consonant + ED.
ING = If the stress is on the second syllable, the word gets a double consonant + ING.

refer > referred, admit > admitted
begin > beginning, permit > permitting

Words ending in E
ED = If the word ends in E, simply add ED
ING = If the word ends in E, drop the E, add ING

ED = smile > smiled, fine > fined
ING = dance > dancing, skate > skating

Words ending in Y
Consonant + Y
ED = If the word ends in Y, and has a consonant before it, change the Y to I and add ED.
ING = If the word ends in Y, and has a consonant before it, simply add ING.

ED = study > studied, marry > married
ING = carry > carrying, reply > replying

Vowel + Y
ED = If the word ends in Y, and has a vowel before it, simply add ED.
ING = If the word ends in Y, and has a vowel before it, simply add ING.

ED = play > played, stay > stayed
ING = enjoy > enjoying, stray > straying

Adverbs of manner

viernes, 19 de mayo de 2017

Fotografía matemática

Si os interesa la fotografía matemática, quizá queráis echarle un ojo al trabajo de los compañeros guardeses:
"Sil-metría" : Tamara Rodríguez.
"cosx = sen x - 1" : Marco Patiño.
"O pequeno é ao grande como o grande é a todo": Alejandro Baz.

La votación está abierta hasta el 31 de Mayo

viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017

Guess who is this celebrity

Do you want to have your students speaking? If the answer is yes then:  gamify your ESL classroom.

Can you guess who these people are?

Ask closed questions (YES/NO) and let´s have fun: leave a comment if you want to play.

Where are you, Peppa?

Younger learners can have fun looking for their favourite cartoon characters. Can you find them all?

miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017

Five little monkeys

Five little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell off and bumped his head
Mama called the doctor,
And the doctor said
No more monkeys jumping on the bed

viernes, 5 de mayo de 2017

Happy Mother's day

Mums rock. But at certain times of the day, mums just rock their kids to sleep.

Happy Mother's day to all sleep-deprived and loving mothers.